weekend highlights 11/09

well a difference a weekend makes…. last week temps were in the middle 60’s, wearing light jackets, this weekend temps are in the 30’s . i had to dig out my winter coat. ( not happy about that). Another weekend has come and gone. Our weekend consisted of running our errands, being invited to sibs night, (explain more later), going to Spring Hill mall, and last but not least go to kris’s mom’s house and watching the Blackhawks game!

Saturday consisted of doing things around the house because kris’s dell mini was scheduled to be delivered. you ask was his computer delivered, and yes it was. In the afternoon we ran our errands. nothing to exciting. Saturdays nights plans, consisted of being invited to, “sibs night”, at Michelle’s house, Sibs night is defined when all the siblings and others get together. last month we all went La Magedlina for mexican, etc. This time sibs night was at Michelle’s house. Kris and i brought the chopped salad, and the main course consisted of Sloppy joes. Topics of discussion were nana’s birthday party. On december 13th we are invited to nana’s 95th b-day party in wisconsin. We were discussing if we were going to stay over night. I think we decided not to. sibs night is the one night when everyone gets together.

On sunday i was woken early by the smoke alarm going off in our building, but nothing to worry about. 11:00 i started getting ready. It was a casual sunday. Kris and I went to panera for lunch, then drove out to the Spring Hill Mall in west dundee, for my bi-yearly wedding band inspection. Everything was fine with my wedding band. Sunday night is hockey night. Finally we went to kris’s mom house to have dinner and watch the chicago blackhawks vs calgery flames. Right now blackhawks are beating the calgery flame 3-0 with 2:07 left in the second period. hopefully the hawks can hold there lead.

those of you know me know i like to look at photos, whether they be old or new. well they were doing some cleaning at my mother-in- laws house and came across a box of photos, so i also spend sunday evening going through old photos. of kris, his brothers, and the entire family.

It was fun. I forgot to mention i saw my first snowflake of the season today. The snowflake was small but it was there. Next weekend Kris and I are going to Southbend Indiana to Visit Nabeela and her family. I can’t wait.

It’s been a uneventful weekend.

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