Vacation, Here We Come

To say that work has been wearing me down would be an understatement. With our vacation less than two weeks away, we can almost smell the ocean water. Yay.

Energy levels have been kind of low for the passed month or two, so things outside of banging code at the office have been mostly on hold. I am starting a new digital photography class next week, so that should help bring back a little variety and interest in after work activity.

In addition to that, I’ve been preparing for an even more educated round of astrophotography, to follow up on my unplanned attempts last year. I’ve been doing a fair amount of reading and research, as well as getting a few new toys. All the reading I’ve been doing has sparked a new interest in astronomy, and with the warmer summer months approaching, there’s going to be many long nights ahead.

As I mentioned, things have been kind of draining, so I won’t add too much more. I think once we return back from vacation, the rest and relaxation will make things feel like new again.

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