New Tradition – Annual Family Calendar

Hi MamaWith the x-mas holiday now in the books, we can spill the beans about one of the presents we gave out this year – a 2012 calendar with photos from our family this past year.

Family Photo Credit: Kamila Lonska –

We gave out three of these calendars, and kept one for ourselves. We created them using iPhoto and they came out brilliantly to say the least. It is definitely something we plan on doing next year, and then repeating each year for the foreseeable future.

This about it, how cool is it to have a calendar with our monthly photo of our growing son, literally a snapshot in time. By age 5, we’ll have 60 months worth of photos and it will be so easy to flip through each and see the progression year after year. Pretty neat.

New Photo Project

After the end of the Daily Baby Project, the next photo project was announced last week on my photography website. It’s named (for now, anyway) the 52 to Two project. It’s a simple project promising to do a weekly photo shoot of Christian for each of the 52 weeks leading up to his 2nd birthday. And while the Daily Baby project was shot using my smartphone camera, these weekly shoots will be the real deal and something to be very proud of when all is said and done.

You can follow the best of each weekly shoot as they happen over at my photography site as well as on my photography Facebook page. I also plan on posting some of the shots here every week depending on how time goes. 2012 is shaping up to start off as a very busy year, but we’ll do our best to keep the photos coming for everyone to enjoy.

The photo shoot from this week was – of course – Christian opening up some of his x-mas gifts. I should have photos posted here in the next day or so.

Until then,
– Kris

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