Cindy’s New Dell Mini

Cindy's Dell MiniI thought I’d take a moment to introduce the newest little addition to our family (and I mean little). As a surprise gift for signing up on Facebook and making her first post here on the blog this past Sunday, I went ahead and bought here her own Dell Mini netbook. This little guy takes up significantly less space on our kitchen table and is a lot nicer to look at than the old Gateway laptop she was using up until now.

You might be thinking that I bought it just because I wanted one, but I have news for you … mine is coming next week, this one is all hers. :)
Kidding aside, I really like the idea of both of us being involved in keeping this blog up-to-date and sharing our days and experiences together with all of our friends. I ordered my Dell Mini as motivation for me to keep blogging anywhere and anytime on my various blogs, so I hope this little guy keeps Cindy online and writing as well.
Happy blogging.

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